Luncheon Guest Speakers

(Note:  Videos below are Dropbox links.  Those over 1 hour are marked * and can optionally be Downloaded rather than Streamed if viewing content past one hour is desired.  Some “COVID era” videos are also available via YouTube at this link.)

Jun: Commodore Ken Douglas, USN, COMSUBRON 11, “San Diego Submarine Force — Past, Present and Future” (Click here for the PPT brief.) (bio)
Apr: CAPT Scott Tait, USN (Ret), former CO, USS ZUMWALT (DDG 1000) and currently Executive Director, National Security Innovation Catalyst at UCSD.  His topic: “Zumwalt, the challenges/opportunities in bringing a new design to the fleet.” (bio)
Mar: CAPT Tim Oliver, USN (Ret), Executive Director, Naval Submarine League, “The NSL Today” (bio)
Feb: RADM Richard E. Seif Jr., Commander, Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet (COMSUBPAC), “Pacific Submarine Force Overview” (bio)
Dec: CAPT John C. Witte, USN, CO Undersea Rescue Command, “URC’s Worldwide Submarine Rescue Mission” (Click here for the PPT brief.) (bio)
Nov: Brigadier General James A. Ryans II, USMC, Commanding General, Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD), San Diego, “Meeting the Challenges of Military Service Recruiting” (bio)
Oct: CDR Christian Rivera, USN, Commanding Officer, Submarine Training Facility San Diego, “Update and Tour of SUBTRAFAC” (bio)
Sep: CAPT Jeffrey Yackeren, USN, Commanding Officer, Naval Base Point Loma, “The Journey to NBPL” (bio)
Jun: CAPT Jeffrey Melody, USN, Chief of Staff, Carrier Strike Group 15 (bio)
May: VADM Charles W. Martoglio, USN (Ret), “America and the World to 2030: Competition, Confrontation, or Conflict” (bio)
Mar: RADM “Mac” McLaughlin, USN (Ret), President and CEO, USS Midway Museum (bio)
Feb: CAPT Amy Bauernschmidt, USN, CO, USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) (bio)
Jan: VADM Mike Boyle, USN, Commander, U.S. THIRD Fleet
and Mr. Marty Cooper, NSL’s 2022 Distinguished Submariner
Dec: Mr. Theo Goda, Ice Exercise (ICEX) Program Manager, Arctic Submarine Laboratory (bio)
Nov: VADM Robert Thomas, USN (Ret), “Northeast Asian Cooperation” (photos)(video)
Oct: LCDR Miñano, XO, for CDR Roberto Gonzalez, CO, BAP PISAGUA (SS-33) and LCDR John Sison (CSS-11 Staff) (bio’s)
Sep: CDR Chris Rose, USN, CO USS ALEXANDRIA (SSN 757) (bio) (photos
& 3 videos
Jun: Commodore Ken Douglas, USN, COMSUBRON 11, “The View from Millington” and Submarine Squadron 11 Update (bio)
(Zoom video)
(PPT brief)
Apr: FORCM(SS) Jason Avin, USN, SUBPAC Force Master Chief, with the COMSUBPAC Sailor of the Year Nominees (bio)
(Zoom video)(photos)
Mar: CAPT John Witte, USN, SUBRON 11 Deputy and Interim CO, USS CONNECTICUT (SSN 22) (bio)
(Zoom video)(photos)
Feb: COL Thomas M. Bedell, USMC, CO, MCAS Miramar (bio)
(Zoom video)
Jan: RDML Richard Seif, USN, Commander Undersea Warfare Development Center, “From the Depths — We Strike” (with this terrific movie) (bio)(movie)
(PPT brief)
Dec: CAPT Charlie MacVean, USN (Ret), US Navy Divers Association Brief  (photos)
Nov: RADM Wayne Baze, USN, Commander Expeditionary Strike Group 3 (bio)
(Zoom video)
Oct: CMDCM(SS) Nick Green, USN, COMSUBRON 11 Command Master Chief (bio)
(Zoom video)
Sep: CAPT Allen P. Johnson, USN, C3F MOC Director / N3, “What’s a MOC?” (bio)
(video part 1) (video part 2)
Aug: Commodore John (Patrick) Friedman, USN, COMSUBRON 11 (bio)
(PPT brief) (photos)
Jun: CAPT Kenneth Franklin, USN, CO, Naval Base Point Loma (bio)
May: Commodore Jeff Melody, USN, Commander, Helicopter Maritime Strike Wing Pacific (bio)
(Zoom video*)
Apr: RADM Rich Correll, USN, OPNAV N2/N6T, Director, Strategic Integration, “Navy Strategic Integration” (bio)
(Zoom video*)
Mar: ADM Jonathan Greenert, USN (Ret), “Insights from a Former CNO” (bio)
(Zoom video)
Feb: Panel Discussion with CAPT (Ret) Barbette Lowndes, CDR Lindsay Anderson & LT Andrea Howard, “Women at the Naval Academy and in Submarines — The Beginning, the Present, and the Future” (bio’s)
(Zoom video*)
Jan: RADM Blake Converse, USN, Commander, Submarine Force, US Pacific Fleet (COMSUBPAC) (bio)
(Zoom video*)
Dec: RADM Tom Ishee, USN, STRATCOM J3, Director, Global Operations (bio) (Zoom video*)
Nov: RDML Ed Anderson, USN, NAVSEA Deputy Commander, Undersea Warfare (SEA 07), “Submarine and Undersea Vehicle RTD&E” (bio) (Zoom video)
Oct: VADM Fritz Roegge, USN, President of National Defense University (NDU) (bio) (PPT brief) (Zoom video)
Sep: Commodore Henry C. Adams, USN, COMSURFDEVRON ONE (bio)
(Zoom video)
Jun: CAPT Brien Dickson, USN, CO Naval Base Point Loma (via Zoom) (bio) (brief) (Zoom video)
Mar: CAPT Charles R. MacVean, USN (Ret), PhD,
“Admiral Rickover—Up Close and Personal”
(repeated in July at PACNW)
(Zoom video)
Feb: RADM Tom Ishee, Director, Undersea Warfare Division (OPNAV N97) (bio)
(luncheon photos)
Jan: CAPT Eric M. Cooper, USCG, CO Maritime Security Response Team West (bio)
(luncheon photos)
Dec: CAPT Zoltan Kelety, USN (Ret)
Marine Superintendent, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
(bio) (luncheon photos)
Nov: CAPT Mike Dowling, USN, CO Tactical Training Group Pacific (bio) (luncheon photos)
Oct: CAPT Timothy J. Slentz, USN, CO Naval Base Coronado (bio) (luncheon photos)
Sep: CAPT Brien Dickson, USN, CO Naval Base Point Loma (bio) (luncheon photos)
Jun: CDR Ray Ferbrache, USN (Ret), “China’s Submarine Force” (bio) (luncheon photos)
May: Commodore Chris Cavanaugh, COMSUBRON 11 (bio) (luncheon photos)
Mar: CAPT C. Gresham Bayne, MC, USNR (Ret) (bio) (luncheon photos)
Feb: RADM Daryl L. Caudle, COMSUBPAC (bio) (luncheon photos)
Jan: VADM John D. Alexander, COMTHIRDFLT (bio) (luncheon photos)
Dec: Mr. Theo Goda, Arctic Sub Lab, ICEX Program Manager (bio) (luncheon photos)
Nov: CAPT Bill Green, USN (Ret), “Ruminations of an Old Submariner” (bio) (luncheon photos)
Oct: Commodore Chris Cavanaugh, COMSUBRON 11 (bio) (luncheon photos)
Sep: CDR Emily Cathey, USN, CO USS Independence (LCS 2) (bio) (luncheon photos)
Jun: RADM Yancy Lindsey, Commander, Navy Region Southwest (bio) (luncheon photos)
Apr: VADM(Ret) Robert Thomas, former COMSEVENTHFLT (bio) (luncheon photos)
Mar: RDML Bill Byrne, Commander, Carrier Strike Group 15 (bio) (luncheon photos)
Feb: Erika Putman, Director, Marine Mammal Foundation (bio) (luncheon photos)
Jan: CAPT Ronald W. Toland, Jr., CO Fleet ASW Training Center (bio) (luncheon photos)
Dec: CAPT Michael J. Boone, SPAWAR PMW 770 (Undersea Integration) (bio) (luncheon photos)
Nov: William W. Phillips, Chair, Medal of Honor Museum Foundation (bio) (luncheon photos)
Oct: VADM(Ret) Ted “Twig” Branch,  former Director, Naval Intelligence (bio) (luncheon photos)
Sep: CAPT Joseph R. Buzzella, Jr., USCG, Captain of the Port of San Diego (bio) (luncheon photos)
Jun: RDML James S. Bynum, Commander, Carrier Strike Group 9 (bio) (luncheon photos)
Apr: CAPT Howard C. Warner, III, CO Naval Base Point Loma (bio) (luncheon photos)
Mar: VADM Nora W. Tyson, COMTHIRDFLT (bio) (luncheon photos)
Feb: CAPT Scott Swehla, former Senior US Defense Official, Norway (bio) (luncheon photos)
Jan: RADM Fritz Roegge, COMSUBPAC (bio) (luncheon photos)
Dec: VADM Troy M. Shoemaker, Commander, Naval Air Forces (bio)(luncheon photos)
Nov: VADM Thomas S. Rowden, Commander Naval Surface Forces (bio) (luncheon photos)
Oct: Commodore Brian Davies, COMSUBRON 11 (bio) (luncheon photos)
Sep: VADM(Ret) Charles W. Martoglio, Senior Research Fellow, UCSD (bio) (luncheon photos)
Jun: CAPT(Ret) Howard Reese, “ICEX 2016” (bio) (luncheon photos)
May: Dr. Richard Lederer, San Diego Union-Tribune (bio) (luncheon photos)
Mar: CMDCM(SS) Paul Davenport, CMC CSS-11 (bio) (luncheon photos)
Feb: RADM(Ret) John B. Padgett III, President, Naval Submarine League (bio) (luncheon photos)
Jan: CDR Nathaniel R. Reed, OIC, Submarine Learning Center (with tour) (bio) (luncheon photos)
Dec: CAPT Sil Perrella, “Sea Based Airborne ASW” (bio) (luncheon photos)
Nov: Mr. Michael Shea, “Is American in Decline? (Not!)” (bio) (luncheon photos)
Oct: Mr. Rudy Shappee, Midway Museum Volunteer (bio) (luncheon photos)
Sep: CDR Todd Perry, CO NSW Advanced Training Cmd, Mystery Sub” (bio) (luncheon photos)
Jun: Commodore Gene Doyle, CSS 11, “The History of Naval Reactors” (bio) (luncheon photos)
May: CAPT Howard Warner, CO Naval Base Point Loma (bio) (luncheon photos)
Mar: Steve Breen, SD Union-Tribune “Pulitzer Political Cartoonist” (bio) (luncheon photos)
Feb: VADM Robert Thomas, Commander 7th Fleet (bio) (luncheon photos)
Jan: CAPT Jonathan Spaner, USCG, Captain of the Port of San Diego (bio) (luncheon photos)