March 8, 2024: USS HAMPTON surfaces through arctic ice at Ice Camp WHALE. (Photo by PO1 Justin Yarborough, USN)
NSL Pacific Southwest Chapter
The Naval Submarine League (NSL) is a professional organization for submariners and submarine advocates.
The Pacific Southwest (PACSW) Chapter is one of the ten regional NSL chapters. It has about 450 members, located in 9 states (Southern CA, Southern NV, AZ, NM, TX, OK, KS, CO, and UT).
Luncheon meetings are held monthly, usually at Naval Base Point Loma in San Diego, California.
New Items (updated on 3/11/2025):
+ + + + + LATE BREAKING NEWS + + + + +
Commodore Wiley, COMSUBRON 11, has invited Naval Submarine League – Pacific Southwest Chapter to join in on their March “First Friday” at the Oceanview onboard Naval Base Point Loma on March 14 from 4 to 7 PM.
Expect light snacks, which NSL is supporting, and a cash bar to be available.
Aloha shirts are authorized and participation from the waterfront is highly encouraged.
(1) We are honored to announce our distinguished guest speaker for the March luncheon will Rear Admiral Richard Seif, USN, Commander, Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet (COMSUBPAC). His bio and further details about the luncheon are in our March Newsletter (here). Please note the luncheon date and time have changed to Tuesday, March 18 (11:30 AM to 2 PM) at the Bali Hai Restaurant.
(2) Plan to celebrate at the 125th Submarine Birthday Ball on Saturday, April 26 at the Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego! Further details and sign-up links are available on this flyer (here).
(3) Join us for the annual Old Timers Luncheon and Tolling of the Boats at MCRD the day before the Sub Ball, Friday, on April 25th (11:30-1:00). Further meal, speaker and reservation details are available here.
(4) Consider signing up now for the 5th annual Submarine Birthday Virtual 5K (April 6-12, 2025) sponsored by the San Diego submarine spouses. It benefits the Dolphin Scholarship Foundation as did the Silent Auctions of the past. Just go here or use the poster information provided here to donate as much as you desire for this great cause. No need to run, walk or send a photo … unless you want to. However, you WILL get a finisher’s medal at no extra cost. If you want to decline the t-shirt(s) … just toggle to “no shirt” where it asks for size. Sign up as the NSLPACSW team, as an individual, or as you wish. In previous years some NSLPACSW members have donated in memory of colleagues recently starting their eternal patrol. If desired, just add that in the team name, e.g., NSLPACSW (IMO “Trigger Jim” Tregurtha) or the person of your choice. Off to the races!
(5) We sincerely thank CAPT Mike Dolbec, USN, Commodore — UUVGRU-1 for being our February luncheon distinguished guest speaker, and for taking us into the amazing realm of unmanned undersea vehicles. A video of his presentation, as well as his bio and a copy of his brief, are available here. Luncheon photos can be viewed here.
(6) There have been many requests for the September luncheon presentation by VADM Charles W. Martoglio, USN (Ret) who spoke to us on the topic of “America’s Security During a Period of Confrontation & Conflict.” A video of his presentation is available here.
(7) The chapter’s Calendar of Events (2024-2025) is posted here or can be viewed via the Events page.
(8) A list of our Guest Speakers (2015-2025), with links to bios and Zoom videos/luncheon photos, has been added here. Also, some presentations from other chapters can be accessed here.